Custom Tool Bar for Photoshop
Custom Tool Bar for Photoshop
How to Customize Your Photoshop Toolbar
Free Custom Tool Bar for Photoshop provided absolutely free for viewers who subscribed and watched
Our latest video post on the photohacklovers youtube channel.
In our last Photoshop Tutorial and trainging
we went over on how to customize the tool bar in Photoshop.
This tool was created to make Photoshop easier to use for beginners.
If your like me and absolutely cant stand the default Photoshop tool bar than this free custom tool bar
will make your life so much easier in Photoshop, I know that it did for me.
this toolbar has a really neat Easter egg, Photoshop has hidden a banana icon inside the tool bar
and you don't have to do anything fancy to get it to show up, all you have to do is download the tool bar
and double click to install it.
If you love receiving items like and comment and subscribe on our youtube channel and instagram
You can download the free Photoshop banana tool bar here

you can watch the youtube video here