Unlimited Free Photo Storage
Unlimited Free Photo Storage – As a Professional Photographer and Graphic Designer I am for ever expanding storage due to the large amounts of photos I take and the Graphics i download.
So I thought it would be helpful to other designers to make this list of site that's offer unlimited free storage!
Let's explore Unlimited Free Photo Storage for Photographers and Designers, Photo storage that is free!, yes I take a lot of darn photos. As a Photoshop expert,
I download million’s of photos a day and also am constantly grabbing more photos off the internet for references and or graphic design projects. I have so many photos, video, and files! Jeepers Creepers I am running out of places to store them.
How to get Unlimited Photo Storage Free
So far I have been hoarding mass amounts of files on my external hard drives and other places such as sites like Flikr and Pinterest.
But the problem with Flikr is there is a (1Tb limit) and the pro version doesn’t allow you to upgrade from there. Flikr is kinda of deceptive they advertise the free version as 1tb and the pro as 1000gb which is essentially the same size.
So, in a nutshell, Flickr pro is nothing more than Flikr free without the ads. You can easily get rid of adds by using google chrome and a couple of add blocking extension and wallah! you have saved 49.99 annually.
Beyond Flikr, there is Pinterest which is unlimited & free but lacks the design of Flickr and the versatility to upload multiple photos at once. (I’m still trying to find a way to batch upload to Pinterest)- If you or anyone knows how to, or can create an app that will upload multiple files at once to Pinterest I will virtually dry hump you.
(and make the app free of course, thanks!)
Now most people have to eventually print their photos. Why not store the photos where you plan to print them? Shutterfly currently offers unlimited Photo storage.
You can even Create a photo website free which can be shared with all your friends and family. Bummer alert! – video storage cost money. (and it’s not cheap)
Here’s the workaround upload the video to YouTube and than click add from YouTube and it should appear in the photo section of your site, where viewers can share and see your videos absolutely free.
Another free Unlimited photo storage site I found was Zonerama is a free online gallery that gives you unlimited space for your photos and videos. It's free and it will stay free. Your pictures will retain maximum quality.
Yep, there`s no compression. When it comes to video Zonerama can handle resolutions up to 4K. Zonerama is made for sharing: use it to show your work to clients, or share your albums with friends and family.

As Graphic Designers and photographers, we have more than just pictures we have .PSD files illustrator files and sometimes need stock video storage.
I myself have after effect projects, dream weaver projects it’s not just photos I want to store I want to store it all, gosh darn it! So then the heavens opened and finally, I found Amazon storage which If you have amazon prime you can store unlimited photos for free.
If you want to store the rest of your junk ultimately you will need to upgrade to the 59.99 a year plan. Considering that Google drives 30Tb plan is $299.99 a month that’s a steal in my opinion.
Since I already have Amazon Prime this was a no brainer. I quickly downloaded the desktop app and begin using the services.
I pay for and use MediaFire to share a lot of free files on this website and I’m hoping to use amazon drive to share files as well but there isn’t a whole lot of documentation of what it can do.
I did, however, find an authentic user review on youtube and will share it below. My suggestion is to buy Amazon unlimited storage pronto! Get grandfathered into the $59.99 plan before they change their mind and up the price.
(get unlimited storage click the download button)
Is Amazon Cloud Drive worth it? Yes, it is.
Other Free Storage services that lacked my approval
One Drive 5gb can sync and share files storage space to small upgrade to pricey.
Dropbox 2gb -too expensive not enough storage space.
Google drive 15gb- can sync but they throttle so it’s not stable, upgrade to pricey.
MediaFire- I have the 1tb plan its super awesome for sync and sharing, however (there’s still a limit.) – its pricey as well.
Unlimited Photo Storage Free -I hope this helps other graphic designers and photographers get a handle on their files. I for one have been just using an external hard drive but it lacks share and sync capabilities.
If you are a graphic designer or photographer and have an even better way that you share, sync and store photos and files Please do share with all of us photohacklovers.com
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